List of species
tolerant of fluctuating water levels:
Occasional flooding and fluctuating water levels (transitional
zone and nearshore aquatic species)
Plants listed below are organized by life form.
Some of the species are not distributed throughout the state of Minnesota.
Consult the native plant encyclopedia maps to select species that are
appropriate for your part of the state. Also, check the native plant profiles
to match the shoreland zone and soil type requirements for each
species to the characteristics of your site.
Trees and shrubs:
Alnus incana ssp. rugosa |
speckled alder |
Cornus sericea |
red-osier dogwood |
Salix discolor |
pussy willow |
Salix exigua |
sandbar willow |
Grasses, sedges, rushes:
Carex species |
various sedges |
Eleocharis smallii |
creeping spikerush |
Elymus virginicus |
Virginia wild-rye |
Glyceria grandis |
tall manna grass |
Glyceria striata |
fowl manna grass |
Leersia oryzoides |
rice cutgrass |
Scirpus cyperinus |
woolgrass |
Scirpus fluviatilis |
river bulrush |
Scirpus validus |
softstem bulrush |
Spartina pectinata |
prairie cordgrass |
Typha latifolia |
broad-leaved cattail |
Alisma subcordatum |
mud plantain |
Eupatorium maculatum |
spotted Joe-Pye weed |
Iris versicolor |
blue flag iris |
Physostegia virginiana |
obedient plant |
Polygonum coccineum |
swamp smartweed |
Polygonum lapathifolium |
dock-leaved smartweed |
Sagittaria latifolia |
broad-leaved arrowhead |
Verbena hastata |
blue vervain |